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Each & every programming language have its own features , which may be inherited and unique from other programming languages. Like that java programming have its own importance and features.
In general features of a language is nothing but services or basic facilities provided by the language developers in the language to industry programmer’s.
Sun micro system developers provided 13 features in java language they are as follows
  1. Simple
  2. Platform independent
  3. Architectural neutral
  4. Portable
  5. Multithreaded
  6. Networked
  7. Distributed
  8. High Performance
  9. Highly Interpreted
  10. Robust(strong)
  11. Dynamic
  12. secured
  13. Object oriented programming language

  1. Simple

  1. Instead of going for java is simple we should go for why Java programming is said to be simple.
There are many reasons due to which java is said to simple they are as follows
  1. Java programming eliminates complex programming due to following reasons
  • Java programming is without Pointers.
  • Results in less application development time & Less execution time .
In c programming we have
Fact.c  (Source code)——>Fact.obj(Intermediate code)———>Fact.exe(Executable code)
In java programming code)—-Compilation Phase–>Fact.class(intermediate code)——–Interpretation phase——->java Executable code.
Java programming takes less execution time due to Byte code or intermediate code generated by JVM (java virtual machine ) which is machine understanding format which get more speed due to JIT compiler which is present in INTERPRETATION phase.
Byte code Is a set of optimized instructions generated by java compiler during compilation phase and the nature of the byte code is much powerful than ordinary pointers of c,c++,languages.
JVM is a programs developed by sun micro system developers  and supplied as a part of java software and whose role is to read line by line of byte code  and converting into native understanding format of operating system.Hence byte code is operating system independent and JVM is  operating system dependent.
JIT Just in time compiler- jit is a programs developed  by sun micro system and added as part of jvm to speed up interpretation phase by reading the entire section of byte code at once. 
Note:Java is one of the compiler based and interpreter base programming language.
2) Another reason for being simple is – inbuilt garbage collector.
java programming contains inbuilt garbage collection facility by running garbage collection facility for collecting unused memory spaces ad it improves the performance of java applications .
Garbage collector Is one of the system background java program which is running along with the regular java program for collecting unused or  un-referenced space for improving the performance of  java applications.
3) Rich set of API
java programming contains rich set of applications programming Interfaces
API is a collection of packages . A package is a collection of classes, interfaces and sub packages and a sub package contains collection of classes interfaces and sub sub packages.
API—->Package—->i)Class ii)Interface iii) sub package

Architectural Neutral

A language or technology is said to be architectural neutral if and only if whose applications runs and processed on each and every processor without considering their architectures and vendors .
In order to say a language is A.N  it has to satisfy the following property —
  1. the language must contain powerful internal program which will convert the factor of one processor to the factor of another processor. The languages like c,c++,pascal etc are treated as architectural dependent because they never satisfy the above property.
Hence the basic aim of sun micro system it to provide no worry to java programmers  to think about software benchmarks and hardware benchmarks .i.e o/s and processors and hence java programmers have a slogan WORA -write once run anywhere


Those applications which are running on each and every o/s and each and every processors irrespective of their vendors and architectures
Portability=platform independent + architectural neutral


  • The aim of multithreading is to provide concurrent execution .
  • A flow of control is known as thread
  • The purpose of thread is to execute the logic of java program which is written in form of user defined methods
  • If a java program containing multiple flow of control then it is known as multi threaded
  • The languages like c,cpp,pascal, Cobol, etc are treated as single threaded modelling languages. Because their execution environment contains single flow of control, provides only sequential execution provides more execution time and not containing any library for development of thread based applications.
  • Since java comes under multithreading languages because its executing environment provides multiple flow of controls provides concurrent executions provides less execution time and containing an API for development of thread based applications.
  • In java we use the following API development of thread based applications
Java.lang .Runnable(Interface)
Q  Justify “Each & Every java program is multithreaded”?.
Whenever we execute a java program the logic of java program is executed by one of the thread known as foreground thread.
To monitor initial execution status foreground thread on more thread  is created known as background thread (garbage collector). So a java program is containing tow threads by default hence each and every java program is multithreaded.


A network is a collection of interconnected autonomous or non autonomous computer connected with server. The purpose of networking is to share the data between multiple machines which are located either n same network or in different network.
In the real industry we have two types of networks they are ——
  1. Untrusted  networks
  2. Trusted networks
Untrusted  networks
In this network architecture their exits “collection of interconnected non autonomous computers connected with server”
Trusted networks
In the network architecture there exits “collection of inter connected autonomous computer connected with server”.

The meaning of distributed feature is accessing the result of java application everywhere else across the globe.


In software development point of view java projects are classified into two types they are
  • Distributed projects
  • Centralized /Product applications
The distributed applications run in the context of browser or www and whose results are sharable across the globe. These applications preferred by non commercial organizations they contain pubic URL e.g. yahoo, mail.
Centralized applications are those which are running in the context of browser and web and whose results are accessible throughout globe.
Centralized applications are preferred by commercial organizations and they contains private URL e.g . Banking sector, insurance domain. To develop both centralized and distributed applications we use JEE technologies (Servlet , JSP, JDBC).