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PlSQL Introduction

SQL - Introduction

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a non procedural language which is used to communicate with all types of databases such as Oracle,db2,Teradata etc. This language was developed by German scientist E.F.CODD in 1968, 1970 ANSI approved this language and in 1972, SQL was released in the market.

Features of SQL

  • SQL is not a case sensitive language so,we can write the SQL commands either in CAPITAL or SMALL letters and combination also.
  • Every command of SQL should ends with semicolon(;).
  • SQL can be pronounced as SEQUEL – structured English query language.
  • SQLcan be called as natural language interface because every command of SQL similar to normal English language.
  • SQL can be called as common language interface because this the only language communicate with all types of database i.e. oracle,db2 etc